Language Cert Spanish Test
LanguageCert has partnered with Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca (CIUSAL) to offer high-quality Spanish language qualifications worldwide.
Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca has partnered with LanguageCert for the delivery of Professional Spanish Language examinations worldwide.
The two organisations have joined forces to continue offering the Spanish BULATS tests (Business Language Testing Service) under the new name LanguageCert USAL esPro. The tests continue to be developed by Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca, however they are administered through a new online platform provided by LanguageCert’s mother organisation, PeopleCert.
Non-native speakers of Spanish worldwide wanting to provide documented evidence of their knowledge of Spanish, for employment
Students attending courses in Spanish language, where a proof of knowledge of Spanish is required